Tornat Wood & Cockleha'en circular

A moderate walk of just over 5 miles
5.3 miles
Unclassified Road (U-road),  coastal & woodland path
Moderate. Steep climb at the start

Clockwise – Head towards Tornat Wood and follow the Core Path yellow arrows.  Emerge from Tornat wood onto the Merse opposite Kippford and follow the track round for 150m. Turn left through the metal gate onto the Merse. Follow the Core Path yellow arrow to a small walkers gate and turn right until you reach an old track then turn left towards the wood. The path through this bluebell wood is narrow in places. You will pass Cockleha’en Cottage on your right after about a mile. Carry on till you come to a gate. Cross the field and emerge outside Almorness House on the private road. Turn right down the hill and follow the road back to Palnackie.

Cockleha’en and Tornat circular